Young Bui, DDS
30 East 40th Street Suite 1201
New York, NY 10016

Average Costs of a Root Canal in NYC

What are the basic costs of a root canal? If your dentist recommends you get a root canal, you have to get the treatment. Leaving tooth decay and other conditions untreated can cause infection and tooth loss. Also, the infection can potentially spread to other parts of your body. If your only concern is the cost related to the procedure, then there is good news for you. There are different ways to pay for your dental procedure without spending a fortune.

Average Costs of a Root Canal in NYC

The root canal is a dental procedure that can treat various oral problems including:

  • Tooth decay
  • Chips and cracks
  • Large cavities
  • Periodontal disease and other gum diseases
  • Gum and dental infections
  • Dental trauma and injuries

Many people with these conditions are afraid of getting a root canal because they think it is a painful procedure. However, this isn’t necessarily true. A professional endodontist will inject local anesthesia to numb the infected area while performing the treatment. Therefore, you do not have to worry about the pain.

Steps of a Root Canal

Here are the steps of root canal therapy:

  • An endodontist will take an X-ray image of your tooth. That way, they can analyze the condition of the canal.
  • The procedure begins with a local anesthesia injection. The specialist will use it to keep your tooth numb throughout the procedure.
  • Then, they will create an opening to the tooth pulp by removing the damaged part of your tooth.
  • After opening the tooth, an endodontist will now have a complete view of the damaged pulp.
  • They will remove the infection, pulp, and debris from the canal.
  • Once the canal is clean, the doctor will insert a synthetic filling material to prevent recurrent infection.
  • Once they fill the canal with the material, they will cover the tooth with a permanent crown.

Cost of Root a Canal without Insurance

If you don’t have insurance to cover the cost of a root canal, you will be paying around:

  • $700 to $1,100 on average for the front tooth.
  • $800 to $1,200 on average for the bicuspid or mid-mouth.
  • $1,200 to $1,800 on average for molar.

Does Insurance Cover Root Canals?

Your dental plan may cover only some part of the procedure. The coverage depends on your insurance plan. So, before visiting an endodontist for a root canal, discuss it with your insurance company and see what they offer. Some health insurance policies in the US cover 100% cost of the routine procedure. However, for an invasive procedure, they will cover only a percentage. Most insurance policies cover about 30% to 50% of the expense.

Health plans may include waiting periods, deductibles, and limits, which can cause a problem when you have a toothache. Therefore, discuss with an endodontist how you can minimize the cost of the root canal. If you live in NYC, you can contact Bryant Park Endodontics and discuss the complete plan with the professionals.

Cost of Root Canal with Insurance

If your insurance company covers the cost of a root canal, you will be paying around

  • $200 to $1,100 on average for the front tooth and bicuspid.
  • $300 to $1,500 on average for a molar.

Costs of a Root Canal

Factors Affecting the Cost of Root Canal

Several factors may affect the cost of your root canal. These factors are:

1.     Location of the Infection

Root canal procedure for front and bicuspid teeth is less expensive than molars. Because molars are difficult to visualize, endodontists take extra measures to perform the procedure. On the other hand, front and mid-mouth teeth do require as much effort.

2.     The Choice between Endodontist and General Doctor

Endodontic treatments are complex procedures that require expertise and high qualification. Because endodontists have additional specialization for these treatments such as root canal, they are the best option. However, some general dentists also perform a root canal and are less expensive.

3.     The Complexity of the Procedure

The cost of the procedure depends on the complexity. In some cases, an endodontist has to take additional steps to increase the success rate of the procedure. Because they specialize in performing root canals, they can provide better treatment, which may sometimes cost more.

4.     Additional Expense

Additional expenses, including a dental crown and X-ray will cost you more. An endodontist does not include it in the root canal expense.

5.     Your Neighborhood

The cost of a root canal also depends on the location you live.

Average Costs of a Root Canal in NYC: Conclusion

If you live in NYC, you can contact us at 646-205-3045 to discuss the cost of a root canal in NYC. At Bryant Park Endodontics, we ensure that you receive proper treatment and care during and after the treatment. You can make an appointment and talk with our professional endodontist to know the options we are offering.

Young Bui, DDS
30 East 40th Street Suite 1201
New York, NY 10016




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